amazarashi - Poruno eiga no kanban no shita de (ポルノ映画の看板の下で) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre
amazarashi『ポルノ映画の看板の下で』|| Poruno eiga no kanban no shitade
Versions: #2
''Underneath the billboard of a pornographic movie''
The shadow of an old apartment complex stretches out, and it engulfs an abandoned bed of flowers,
full of grave markers written in pen by children.
The flowers, in their windswept uncertainty, refuse to bloom.
Vagrant crows splash around in the water - in the parking lot of a taxi company.
A rusted fence decays along the roadside, almost like this city's laceration scars.
Almost like this city's laceration scars.
I often say, ''It's too painful, it's too painful'', but there's no time I've ever died from the anguish.
This feeling of loneliness is just the perfect amount Almost every day it's just the perfect amount.
That's why I dress myself in it, like the jester of a play set in the night sky.
Is what's falling stardust, or is it trash?
Either way, it's nothing more than rubbish.
If going on living is such a bother, then dying once and for all is also a bother.
And making these songs is also a bother.
All around the world, everything is just a bother.
Underneath the billboard of a pornographic movie, a young woman is always waiting for someone.
And if she wears her careless ''everyday'' in place of a scarf, her frozen, numb future still won't warm up, and whatever she calls ''dreams'' are just vain idols.
But those are the kinds of idols I worship, like an angel fallen from grace. (basically, a person without virtue)
''If you wish for something, it will come true! It will come true! It will come true!'' -
That's what my guardian angel keeps nagging, but it doesn't do me any good.
''The cherry blossoms scatter away, and that's what makes them beautiful''- almost as if they're trying to liken it to human life.
If that's just run-of-the-mill romanticism - then it's something I used to hold on to, too.
When the flowers scatter away, it brings me to tears.
When the flowers bloom, it brings me to tears.
Even the end of a long day brings me to tears.
And it doesn't make a difference when I point out how depressing that is.
If thinking optimistically is such a bother, then thinking pessimistically is a bother too.
And falling asleep is a bother too.
Each and every little thing is just a bother.
Underneath the billboard of a pornographic movie, a young woman is always waiting for someone.
Even if she wears these carefree memories as earings, those expressionless days will do nothing but abandon her.
If dreams themselves are our last salvation, then I'll go around preaching that like a megalomaniac.
''If you wish for something, it will come true! It will come true! It will come true!'' -
That's what my guardian angel keeps nagging, me, but it doesn't do me any good.
Derisions, like insects, swarm around a town lamp-post, its light of hope flickers on and disappears, and each and every face tries to float up into the light.
Even if light were like an unwavering lantern, you can't trust your own speculations - that is to say your resignation.
The red color of blood that spills at the brink of surrender - is the red of the evening sky back home, the red certain death in the face of flames.
It all flows with so much anguish.
And mere time slips away.
Is there a sort of empty despair in that?
Is there any place to start anew in that?
Urderneath the billboard of pornographic movie, a young woman is always waiting for someone.
Even if she decorates her flowerpots with her carefree hopes, these dreary days will remain bland and dull, and if dreams themselves are struggle of humankind, then all of our sympathizers will go around preaching that.
''If you wish something, it will come true! It will come true! It will come true!'' -
That's what my guardian angel keeps nagging me, but it doesn't do me any good.
(but it doesn't do me any good...)
(but it doesn't do me any good...)
Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken:
amazarashiAz oldalon található minden zeneszöveg magyar fordítás másként dalszöveg fordítás vagy lyrics fordítás csak személyes és oktatási célokra használható fel.
Minden dalszöveg tulajdon és szerzői joga a szerzőket vagy a szám tulajdonosait illeti.
További dalszöveg fordítások
E prima zi de primăvară, ultima zi de iarnă,
Natura e o taină, se îmbracă cu o haină
De flori nuanțe, culori, privighetori,
Rațe sălbatice, berze, cocori
Planează pe sol, fac cuiburi, se-ntorc din țările calde,
Și nucul înmugurește, vorbește cu vântul,
Slăvind pe Dumnezeu că le-a facut cu cuvântul.
Râul udă și grâul,
Albina zboară propolis, ceară, din zori până-n seară
Omul muncește și ară, muncește și are,
Nu concepe să ceară. E primavară.
Dacă eram Enescu scriam cheia sol
Pe un solfegiu la major, arpegiu' meu de dirijor
Și comandam la un tenor un solo cutremurător,
Poc brrrrrap, e Haarp Cord!
Refren: (Dragonu)
Primavară, cât te-am așteptat!
Toată iarna asta ce-a trecut
Am cam stat înghețat.
De-abia așteptam să înflorești,
De-abia așteptam să mă bucur că ești
Aproape! Cu o mie de flori, într-un covor multicolor,
Plin cu bujori și arbori, pe câmpii cu-ale lor,
În timp ce soarele galben sclipește din nori.
E prea belea deja, prea belea deja... (x4)
Când viața îmi dă lămâi, iau o apă plată,
Fac o limonadă, beau o ciocolată caldă,
Niște cafele, acadele, caramel, bombonele,
Lapte cu miere, vanilie-n aprilie
Stau cu-n bătrân sub un salcâm,
Rulăm tutun cu aromă de căpșuni.
Fum gros în cătun, copiii joacă pe drum,
Seara se lasă pe deal și se presară pe sat...
E prea belea deja, e un covor de flori...
E prea belea deja, stejarii ajung la nori,
Salbe albe, dalbe, le poartă ca podoabe
Puradeii, gura leului, ce plante minunate!
Primăvară, cât te-am așteptat,
Toată iarna asta în care-am înghețat.
Zic adio, căciuli, ne vedem de Crăciun,
Adio, geacă șucară, cu glugă cu puf!
Click to see the original lyrics (Korean)
Oh igen
Az arcod biztosan kezd elfáradni
Mert folyton téged nézlek bébi
A füled biztosan csöng
Mert mostantól kezdve csak rólad fogok beszélni
Hű, az a frizura, azok a ruhák, minden “menő”
A népszerű stílus, amit mindenki akar
Kicsim, te vagy az egyre népszerűbb új ikon aha
Beléd szerettem
Nem tudom abbahagyni
Mindenkit megbabonázol
Pont úgy, mint engem
Kész katasztrófa lettem
A megszállottad vagyok
Most rögtön rázz fel, tölts meg, gyógyíts meg újra
Beleégtél a szemembe
A szexi hangod szól a fejhallgatómból
Mit tegyek? Megőrültem
Éjjel-nappal rád gondolok
Hű, azok a szavak, azok a mozdulatok, minden feltűnést kelt
Az emberek könnyekben törnek ki és zsebkendőért nyúlnak
Kicsim, te vagy a ragyogó új ikon aha
Beléd szerettem
Nem tudom abbahagyni
Mindenkit megbabonázol
Pont úgy, mint engem
Kész katasztrófa lettem
A megszállottad vagyok
Most rögtön rázz fel, tölts meg, gyógyíts meg újra
Hogy lettem ilyen? Fogalmam sincs
Olyan vagy számomra, mint egy túl távoli csillag
Kérlek vedd észre, mit érzek bébi, vedd észre, mit érzek bébi
Sose törd össze a szívemet
Kérlek, ne felejts el bébi, ne felejts el bébi
Pont, mint én
Kérlek, vedd észre, mit érzek bébi, vedd észre, mit érzek bébi
Sose törd össze a szívemet
Most rögtön rázz fel, tölts meg, gyógyíts meg újra
Beléd szerettem
Nem tudom abbahagyni
Mindenkit megbabonázol
Pont úgy, mint engem
Kész katasztrófa lettem
A megszállottad vagyok
Most rögtön rázz fel, tölts meg, gyógyíts meg újra
Sose törd össze a szívemet
Tetszik nekem
Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
Túlságosan összezavarsz, igen vagy nem?
Nagyon frusztráló vagy, mik a szándékaid?
Túl ostoba és közömbös vagy
Túlságosan gyanús vagy, kérlek, változtass a viselkedéseden
Túlságosan óvatos vagy, mint egy gyáva alak
Ha akarsz engem, tedd egyértelművé
Csak legyél nyílt és őszinte, így közeledj felém
Meddig akarsz még várni és hezitálni?
Részemről mindent vagy semmit
Ha nincs benned elég bátorság ahhoz, hogy mindent beleadj, akkor inkább
Felejtsd el az egészet, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, (tetszik neked)
Túlságosan ég bennem a tűz miattad
Túlzásba viszed, ahogy az apróságok mentén méregetsz
Legyen ez vagy az, csak tégy egy próbát
Mutasd meg, mit érzel, mert én várok rád
Részemről mindent vagy semmit
Ha nincs benned elég bátorság ahhoz, hogy mindent beleadj, akkor inkább
Felejtsd el az egészet, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, (tetszik neked)
Ha akarsz engem, bátran, mint egy férfi, közelíts felém
Utálom a bizonytalanságod, sosem tudod
Ha szeretek valakit, mindenemet neki adom, amim csak van
Ha szeretsz engem, adj nekem mindent, vagy engedj el
Mindent akarok
Mindent akarok
Részemről mindent vagy semmit
Ha nincs benned elég bátorság ahhoz, hogy mindent beleadj, akkor inkább
Felejtsd el az egészet, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, tetszik, igen
Mert tetszik nekem, (tetszik neked)
I Like It (English Ver.)
my momma said I should never go too far
my momma said just remember who you are
my momma said don't go chasing all them boys
my momma said take it slow, don't get caught up in the noise
my momma said I should always walk the line
my momma said take it easy when you're drinking the wine
but all the talk makes me wanna slam the door
cuz all the bruises only make me want it some more
I want it all, all or nothing
and I'm not ashamed of what I am
It's how I'm living yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
my momma said leave your ego at the door
my momma said girl you're crazy always looking for more
I don't care I just wanna live my life
No I don't care if it's wrong when it's felling so right
I want it all, all or nothing
and I'm not ashamed of what I am
It's how I'm living yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
you make the rules, I live to break
I love the life on center stage
All eyes on me I say it proud
It's who I am I'm coming out
you make the rules, I live to break
I love the life on center stage
All eyes on me I say it proud
It's who I am I'm coming out
I want it all, I wnat it all, I want it all
all or nothing
and I'm not ashamed of what I am
It's how I'm living yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah
cuz I like it like it like it like it like it yeah